1. Also known as pitting corrosion pitting corrosion hole, is generated in the metal needle-like, point-like a hole-like shape of localized corrosion. Pitting corrosion is a unique form of anodic reaction and is an autocatalytic process in which the conditions created by the corrosion process in the pitting hole are both sufficient and sufficient to sustain corrosion.
2. Uniform corrosion of the aluminum in phosphoric acid with sodium hydroxide solution, which will dissolve the oxide film on the uniform corrosion rate of dissolution is also uniform. The temperature of the solution increases, the concentration of the solute increases, and the corrosion of aluminum is promoted.
3. Crevice Corrosion Crevice corrosion is a type of localized corrosion. The metal component is in the electrolyte solution, because the metal forms a gap between the metal or the metal and the non-metal, and the width thereof is sufficient to make the medium immersed and the medium is in a stagnant state, so that the corrosion inside the gap is intensified, which is called crevice corrosion.
4. Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) The SCC of aluminum alloys was discovered in the early 1930s. A type of failure of a metal under the combined action of stress (tensile or internal stress) and corrosive media is called SCC. SCC is characterized by the formation of corrosion-mechanical cracks that can develop along grain boundaries or through grain extension. Since the crack propagation is inside the metal, the strength of the metal structure is greatly reduced, and in severe cases, sudden damage occurs. SCC will only occur under certain conditions, they are: - a certain tensile stress or residual stress inside the metal.
In drying process, fresh cold air is sucked into the drying chamber by the circulation fan and flows through the steam radiator or electrical heating tubes installed at the top to get required temperature. With the help of air distributor, the hot air evenly flows through each layer of trays for heat transfer and carries way the evaporated moisture. Most of the damp air flows back to the circulation fan for next drying circulation while part of the damp air is exhausted for energy saving. The drying process is batch type. When the drying is finished, open the chamber door and pull out the trolleys for unload the dried product.
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Changzhou Bole Tech Co.,Ltd , https://www.bolecoater.com