Desktops typically use both CRT displays and LCD liquid crystal displays:
1.CRT image tube screen
2.LCD liquid crystal display
CRT image tube screen price is cheaper than LCD liquid crystal display, the focal length is clear, the picture quality is not stable, the screen size is thicker than the LCD liquid crystal display, it is not convenient, the picture quality is not clear, and the eyes will be uncomfortable after being used for too long.
LCD LCD screen, can adjust the screen height according to the ideal visibility, the picture quality is clear and stable, and the eyes will not be uncomfortable after being used for too long. The volume of the screen is thinner than the LCD liquid crystal display, which is more convenient and the price is more expensive than the CRT display. But value for money
More beautiful than CRT monitors, showing better pictures
In general, CRT displays are now both spherical and flat-panel tubes. The so-called spherical surface means that the cross section of the picture tube is a spherical surface, and the picture tube is curved both horizontally and vertically. The flat picture tube is completely flat in both horizontal and vertical directions, and the distortion is smaller than the spherical tube. Now the true spherical tube display has disappeared. Instead, it is a "planar right angle" picture tube. The plane right angle picture tube is not really a plane, but the curvature of the picture tube is smaller than the spherical tube, close to the plane, and four The corners are all right angles. Currently, in addition to flat-panel displays and liquid crystal displays, the spherical tube displays are widely used in low-end models because they are mostly cheaper.
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