Surface Cleaner with Commercial Cleaning, these Bigger Sized Surface Cleaner makes the plaza and other bigger sized place cleaning easier.
Twin Swivel Surface Cleaner is a suitable clean work area of cement, granite, marble, ceramic, stone and other hard surface of the floor and the weak.
1. Easy to operate; low maintenance costs; high efficiency, better cleaning results; saving supplies, labor costs, time (6-40 times faster than the manual speed); clean large areas, to create profits, cost savings;
2. Health and hygiene issues; environmental issues; thoroughly clean the ground; avoid possible personal injury; cleaning without shutting down any channels or region.
It is good for cleaning service company to use it, Please do not to forget to match with high PSI pressure washer before use it.
Plastic Surface Cleaner,Twin Swivel Surface Cleaner,Triple Swivel Surface Cleaners.